
Sunday 15 September 2013

What a Fantastic Start to the Year!

What a Fantastic Start to the Year!

5-1 and 4-1 FI have been working hard to create a class community! This past week students begun their first math unit Number Sense. Focusing on refreshing our addition, subtraction and problem solving skills. In Language we are setting up our Daily 5 program while focusing on reading strategies students can use to improve their reading skills (questioning, predicting etc.).

After talking to a few parents I realized we mentioned in our class note that went home the first day for students to be reading 20 min in English and 20 min in French every night. Right now to start off the year we are only expecting one or the other. If students finish their day in French (ie. period 4, 5, 6) they will read 20 min of French that night. If they finish their day in English they read 20 min of English that night.

Miss. Flett