
Friday 4 October 2013

Independent Projects, Friday Folders, and Learning Skills

Independent Projects!!!

Throughout the year students will be provided with three times to do independent projects. The focus of these projects is to give students the opportunity to share a topic, or passion of theirs through a presentation (ie. art portfolio, biography on a sport hero, research on Free the Children, or a science experiment etc). It is very open ended in the sense that students choose what they want to do and how they want to present it.  The work is done at home, while at school throughout the month I will call meetings to check in on how students are doing, and help with any guidance. At the end of the month a period will be set-aside for students to share their projects with their classmates and other students in the school. This is a great opportunity for students to display initiative and share their love of learning. It is optional, however I find many students enjoy doing the project!

Learning Skills
Students have taken time these past few weeks to reflect on how they can show all 6 learning skills.

-I can follow classroom rules and show mutual respect to others
-I can use my agenda everyday
-I can return my homework and notes on time
-I can make good use of my time in class and finish my work on time
-I can use positive comments to show others I care

-I can speak politely to others
-I can share my ideas and listen attentively to the ideas of others
-I can use problem-solving strategies to resolve conflicts in a positive way
-I can participate fairly in groups by doing my share, sharing ideas and sharing resources
-I can include others and make them feel valuable and respected
I can speak politely to others
-I can share my ideas and listen attentively to the ideas of others
-I can use problem-solving strategies to resolve conflicts in a positive way
-I can participate fairly in groups by doing my share, sharing ideas and sharing resources
- can help others when they need help

Independent Work
-I can do my best work and check my work before handing it in
-I can follow instructions and listen attentively so that I know what to do
-I can find help when I get stuck
-I can focus on my work and let others focus on their work
-I can do my best work and check my work before handing it in
-I can follow instructions and listen attentively so that I know what to do
-I can find help when I get stuck
-I can focus on my work without being distracted
I can respect my peers by not distracting them from their work

-I can keep my locker, desk, classroom and environment neat and clean
I- can bring agenda, notes, lunch, homework and supplies I need to school on time and everyday
-I can choose the best tools and steps to complete my work
-I can set priorities and use my time wisely to get my work done
-I can keep my desk and work books neat and tidy
-I can use the garbage and recycling correctly and I encourage others to do the same
-I can choose the best tools and steps to complete my work
-I can set priorities and use my time wisely to get my work done

Self Regulation
-I can use success criteria to help me reach my goals and improve my work
-I can choose activities that suit my learning style and that match my learning goals
-I can try my best before I ask for help
-I can try to solve problems using problem-solving strategies before asking the teacher for help
-I can keep trying to work on a task even when it is difficult
-I respect my learning space, my teacher and my peers
-I can use success criteria to help me reach my goals and improve my work
-I can choose activities that suit my learning style and that match my learning goals
-I can ask for help when I need it
-I can keep trying to work on a task even when it is difficult

-I can try new things with a positive attitude
-I can find ways to improve my work and take risks by trying new things
-I can help myself, and others, to do their best
-I can encourage myself, and others, to make good choices and make a difference
-I can  think WE before ME
-I can use positive comments to show others I care
-I can use my time effectively and hand in my best work on time
-I can focus and stay on task without being distracted
-I can try my best and try new challenges
-I can listen  attentively to the teacher and my peers
-I can follow the 5 classroom rules
-I can use my agenda everyday
-I can return my homework and notes on time
-I can make good use of my time in class and finish my work on time
-I can use positive comments to show others I care
-I can try new things with a positive attitude
-I can find ways to improve my work and take risks by trying new things
-I can help myself, and others, to do their best
-I can encourage myself, and others, to make good choices

Friday Folders!!!

Starting today students will be coming home every Friday with a Friday Folder. These folders are a way to communicate with you on a weekly basis and an opportunity for your child to share some of the work they have done over the past few weeks.  The folders will be sent home on Friday’s and are to be returned the following Monday. There are two pockets in the folder. The first pocket is “Sign and return.” Please go over these items with your child, sign them and send them back in the folder, as these items will be filed into your child’s “Student Portfolio.” The other one “To keep at home” these items are ones that have been completed in class and can stay at home with your child.

Reflection Form: This form is a way for you to add a comment about your child’s work.  This could be something they did well, and/or a next step for your child.  Please fill this form out, every time you see them in your child’s Friday Folder and send it back in your child’s folder on the following Monday. 

Miss. Flett J

         Friday Folder Reflection Form    
Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________________________
Parent Signature: ­__________________________
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________