
Friday 14 February 2014

Week of February 10th

Blog Entry –Week of February 10th


Students did a great job making inferences over the past month about characters, words, and themes. This week students started to use the reading strategy questioning to think about the books they are reading. They are focusing on asking questions when reading and trying to answer the questions that they are asking. The answers may be found in the text, an outside source or they may have to infer the answer using clues from the text.


The Grade 4’s finished up their first independent Procedural Writing piece this week. They went through the writing process really focusing on revising and editing their work in a different colour to see/show the changes that they were making to their writing. They had the opportunity to conference with a peer and get feedback on what they might be missing in their writing (e.g. success criteria) and things they did well (“Stars”). Next week students will be writing their final procedural piece on a recipe of how to make their favourite food.

The Grade 5 ‘s finished up their first independent Explanatory writing piece. They also went through the writing process really focusing on revising and editing their work in a different colour to see/show the changes that they were making to their writing. They had the opportunity to conference with a peer and get feedback on what they might be missing in their writing (e.g. success criteria) and things they did well (“Stars”). Next week students will be learning more about The Digestive System in order to gain knowledge to help them write an explanatory piece about how the digestive system works.


We have finished up our Decimal unit and are moving into Measurement focusing on Perimeter and Area.

Grade 4 Expectations
* estimate, measure, and record length, height and distance using standard units (e.g. mm, cm, m , km)

*estimate the perimeter and area of polygons using a variety of tools and strategies

*draw items using a ruler, given specific lengths is mm, and cm

*describe the relationship between various units of length (e.g. cm, mm, dm, m, km)

*select and justify the most appropriate standard unit to measure side lengths and perimeters

*determine the relationship between length and width of a rectangle and its area and perimeter  (A = LXW) (P=2XL + 2XW)

* create through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies 2D shapes with the same perimeter and area (geo boards, dot paper, and pattern blocks)

*pose and solve meaningful problems that require the ability to distinguish perimeter and area

Grade 5 Expectations
*estimate the perimeter and area of regular and irregular polygons using a variety of tools and strategies

*determine using stacked congruent rectangular layers of concrete materials the relationship between height, area of
the base, and the volumes of a rectangular prism to create a formula (V=area of base X height)

* create through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies 2D shapes with the same perimeter and area

*solve problems requiring the estimation and calculations of perimeters and areas of rectangles

*select and justify the most appropriate standard unit to measure length, height, width, distance, and perimeter

*determine the relationship between length and width of a rectangle and its area and perimeter  (A = LXW) (P=2XL + 2XW)

* solve problems requiring conversions from m to cm, km to m

* measure the perimeter and area of regular and irregular polygons using a variety of tools and strategies

E-Text Pages
Grade 4  318-361                        Grade 5 – 306-347